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2021-09-19 22:40   国际交流与合作处 研究生院 法商学院

(通讯员 凌晨)作为“学在工大”研究生新生入学系列活动之一,9月18日上午学校在流芳校区文科楼413学术报告厅举行武汉工程大学与新西兰梅西大学金融学硕士专业“1+1+1”联合培养项目推介会。本次宣讲会由国际交流与合作处处长彭石玉主持,管理学院党委书记左辉、外语学院院长陈明芳、研究生院副院长杨述斌、法商学院副院长付书科、国际交流与合作处副处长吴江渝、外语学院院长助理邓军涛等相关单位领导,梅西大学项目协调人朱淇及相关工作人员出席。







(审稿 彭石玉)

Joint Programmewith Massey in Finance Master Promoted

By Mark, Ling Chen

Department ofInternational Exchange and Cooperation

As part of the Studying in WIT Campaign, a promotion activity was held for the joint educational programme specializing in the Master of Finance between Wuhan Institute of Technology and Massey University, New Zealand, in the Academic Hall of School of Management, on the morning of September 18. The meeting promoting the program to the new postgraduates of Year 2021 with courses of Massey, was hosted by Mr. PENG Shi-yu, Director of Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, and the attendees were Ms. ZUO Hui, Secretary of CPCin School of Management, Ms. CHEN Ming-fang, Dean of School of Foreign Languages, Mr. YANG Shu-bin, Deputy Dean of Graduate School, Mr. WU Jiang-yu,Vice Director of Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Mr. DENG Jun-tao, Dean Assistant of School of Foreign Languages, and Ms. Carol ZHU, Program Coordinator of Massey University, with other staff.

Mr. YANG Shu-bin, Dean of Graduate School, welcomed newbies to join the WIT family, and wished everyone could seize the opportunity to see the world and turn to bepromising talents with an open heart and capabilities facing the future,supported by the postgraduate courses and programs which have been becomingincreasingly international.

Mr. FU Shu-ke, Deputy Dean of School of Law and Business, made introduction to the qualified courses in finance, economy, accounting, etc., from the School of Lawand Business and School of Management, and programme implementation by the WITand Massey staff, who would offer customized lessons and evaluation to the candidates, and help them succeed in the joint education by the two universities.

Ms. Shirley LIU, on behalf of Massey University, introduced Massey’s international success and influences, and the advantages of the School of Economics and Finance, with details including pattern, application and assessment of the 1+1+1 joint double-master in finance program. Prof. Martin Berka, Dean of the School, sent his greetings via a VCR, welcoming everyone to study in Massey in New Zealand.

Mr. WU Jiang-yu, Vice Director of Department of International Exchange andCooperation, shared his studying experience in France for three years, encouraging students to cherish the chance to learn abroad by both parties forglobal competence.

More than two hundred postgraduates participated the promotion meeting, and on September 23, program applicants will be invited to take an online interview linked to the admission officer of Massey University to start the studying abroad as soon as possible.

(Editor PENG Shi-yu)

